- A quick look back on Regine's beginnings, from her childhood up to the present.

Trivia - Small tidbits that you need to know or you might find interesting about the Asia's Songbird

Art Portfolio - View some of Regine's art works. Includes an artwork that you can only find in this site!

Fashion - Regine is known to be one of the most fashionable celebrities! Learn about it here.

Songbird's Nest - A feature on Regine's Bulacan Mansion (soon)


Discography - A comprehensive list of Regine's studio albums, soundtracks, singles and guest recordings.

Filmography - A list of Regine's blockbuster movies, includes synopsis, character names, directors etc.

Television - A list of Regine's television shows, specials, and some TV appearances.

Theater - Regine's theater background.

Awards -
List of awards that Regine has received in the past 20 years, including pictures of some of them.

International Collaboration - List of Regine's international collaborations - includes Brian McKnight etc

Endorsements - Features Regine's current and past endorsements with photos and descriptions.

Other Media Releases - Features a list of other media releases by the songbird e.g. books, live concerts etc.

Music Videos - Features a complete list of Regine's Music Videos with screenshots. 

Concert History - View a long list of Regine's past shows and concerts in the Philippines and abroad.